
OMMA Apologetic (13 of 14)

OMMA Apologetic (13 of 14)

THIRTEEN (13 of 14): Christianity and the Martial Arts (Part Two)


Our Mission at On Mission Martial Arts is:




This series of 14 blog posts seeks to define what we mean by glorifying God and what that looks like in our lives as a follower of Christ and what it looks like in the activities we participate in within our OMMA community.

Thanks for reading!



THIRTEEN (13 of 14): Christianity and the Martial Arts (Part Two)

(Previous Post | Next Post)

Continuing from yesterday, below are the next thematic areas where we believe OMMA can come alongside Christian churches and families and contribute our distinctive part for those whom the Lord may call to participate in this program:

(4) Martial Arts Character Traits: The martial arts have often been connected with character development as well as fighting prowess. Wise martial arts teachers have considered this a vital counterbalance to the dangerous techniques learned. Gichin Funakoshi, the founder of karate said that, “The ultimate aim of the art of Karate lies not in victory or defeat, but in the perfection of the characters of its participants.”

Of course as Christians we understand that we need to focus on developing Christ-like character, thus OMMA includes in our curriculum twelve (12) particular character qualities that are involved in our martial arts training, yet studied from a Biblical perspective rather than an eastern religious or humanistic worldview. Many of these are related to the character of a warrior as described in Point#2 from yesterday’s post. The 12 traits are:

Compassion, Courage, Discipline, Discernment, Enthusiasm, Focus, Humility,

Gratitude, Perseverance, Respect, Responsibility and Self Control.

Overarching Characteristic = SPIRIT FILLED (as opposed to led by self)

True growth into Christ-like character is an impossible task in our own strength. We need to daily, even moment-by-moment, cooperate with the Holy Spirit in our lives to give us the power, wisdom and direction to grow in each of the twelve character qualities listed.

(5) “On Mission” Mindset: All of the growth physically, mentally and spiritually is applied as we connect (get engaged) with God’s redemptive plan by reaching outside of ourselves. By sharing the love of God in Christ through our words and deeds, in various ways as the Spirit leads, we advance the Kingdom of our King.

In martial arts, it doesn’t matter how much skill we have, if we are unable or unwilling to engage when our skills are needed. We must develop the mindset that we will “jump in” to the fray when it becomes required of us. Likewise, as we follow Christ, we must develop the mindset of being available to the Holy Spirit and willing to be “interrupted” to pursue His leading each day.

(6) Self Defense Skills: Our God is a God of Justice and Mercy. By developing the ability to defend others as well as ourselves, we may have opportunities to protect the weak and innocent from the strong and wicked. We may very well be the most qualified person in a situation to perform this task. Additionally, we are able to protect ourselves from those who may desire to bring unjust harm to us.


Keep Fighting the Good Fight!



OMMA Founder/Senior Instructor

Yondan – 4th Degree Black Belt


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