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How can we utilize using multiple strikes?

multiple strikes


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One of the Distinctives of Kempo, and how we teach it at OMMA, is the idea of using Multiple Strikes in our martial arts. In Kempo we do not go for a “one punch kill,” but use our first and second attacks to set up our opponent for the finishing blows to follow in rapid succession until the opponent is subdued. These attacks will be a blend of linear and circular moves, high and low attacks and strikes with the foot, knee, hand and/or elbow as appropriate.


This type of combat depends much more on speed, accuracy, coordination, distancing, and an understanding of human anatomy and human responses to attacks—less on sheer power and aggressiveness. Although it requires a more complex skill set, it also allows those who will never be the biggest or strongest person in the room to develop a very high level of fighting/self-defense ability.

Here’s an example of multiple strikes in use!