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A Picture of OMMA

“A Picture of OMMA” 

Here you will find 10 single images that we believe represent 10 significant ways that OMMA impacts people so we can see lives changed through the martial arts, for the glory of our God! These were initially shared during our 2022 year-end fundraiser.

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Picture #1

It all starts and ends with this.

This sign is in our lobby at the OMMA dojo locations in a prominent place. We are boldly and unapologetically a Christ-centered organization, and our ultimate Mission is to seek to glorify the Triune God of the Bible in everything we do.

We desire to see our Lord use all aspects of the OMMA ministry to impact as many people as possible for their good and for His glory. Our foundational verse is 1 Corinthians 10:31, which says, “So whether you eat, or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” (Emphasis mine) Our view is that “whatever you do,” includes the martial arts, so let’s explore how we can do it for the glory of God.

This Christmas season, join me on a journey into the very heart of God’s love for people, and some of the very real individuals that He is causing change in because of His amazing love and for His great glory! It’s been said that God loves us just the way we are, AND He loves us too much to let us stay that way. What an incredible God we are privileged to serve!

This will be a journey that we pray will demonstrate through a simple image how the Holy Spirit is at work in both the mundane and profound to change lives in our OMMA family.

Between now and the end of 2022, we will share 9 more images that we hope will give you a picture of God reclaiming and redeeming the world of martial arts for His own. You don’t want to miss them! 😊

Thank you for joining with us in this Mission! Your partnership allows us to continue to provide an environment where we can boldly and unapologetically make much of Jesus Christ within the world of martial arts.

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Picture #2

Today we continue in our series “A Picture of OMMA” with story #2 of 10. Each of these images represent an important aspect of the ministry and how we seek to fulfill our Mission: “To see lives changed for God’s glory, using Christ-centered martial arts.”
Picture #2 takes place before one of our Young Warriors classes at a Florida location. I especially love the posture of the young girl in front – focused on the One we are praying to!
Prayer is something that is a priority at OMMA. Our desire is that every aspect of the ministry is saturated with prayer. We pray about decisions we make in all areas. In many of our staff meetings, we pray by name for our students, our ministry partners, and their loved ones. We pray before every class – that we would honor the Lord Jesus in each meeting.
One thing I often say before our classes is that “our prayers matter – not because of how we pray, where we pray or the words we choose, but rather, they matter because of WHO we are praying to.”
“The LORD is exalted over all the nations, his glory above the heavens. Who is like the LORD our God, the One who sits enthroned on high.” (Psalm 113:4-5)
Even though the funds we raise from our generous donors are critical to our success in achieving the Mission, there is one thing I know is even more critical – the prayers of His people for OMMA!
Scripture reminds us that prayer is the key to achieving anything for His Kingdom and His glory. God will DO the job and we have the joy and dignity of joining Him in what He accomplishes. Thank You Jesus!
Would you take a moment and say a prayer to our Mighty God for Him to work His purposes through OMMA and each one of us involved? Thank you!
“To this end we always pray for you, that our God may make you worthy of his calling and may fulfill every resolve for good and every work of faith by his power.” (2 Thess. 1:11, ESV)
“Unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labor in vain. Unless the Lord watches over the city, the watchman stays awake in vain.” (Psalm 127:1, ESV)

Picture #3

Belt tests are one of my favorite things about teaching martial arts. I just love seeing the culmination of weeks, months and sometimes, years of training coming together over an hour… or six! The energy, enthusiasm and perseverance shown during these testing times is amazing.
Picture #3 in our series was taken right at the moment one of our Young Warriors opened his eyes to see his new belt in front of him – the joy and excitement in his face makes this one of my all-time favorite OMMA photos. I just love it! 😊
Our news these days is filled with stories of depression, fear, and discouragement. Many are pictures of outright despair, often leading to tragic consequences. It seems a lot of people in this day and age are generally aimless and missing true joy in their lives and hearts.
Culture has been relentlessly pushing a “Me first,” and “Get it right now” mindset that we know is in opposition to a Biblical worldview that speaks of putting God first and thinking of others more than ourselves. The Lord also gives us a perspective that is long-term, even eternal in its outlook, forsaking immediate gratification for the joy of striving for things that have massive and meaningful impact.
“Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” ~ Galatians 6:9, NIV
Setting meaningful goals, such as pursuing the next martial arts belt and what it represents, is a great way to give focus, purpose and even joy to the student. Making sacrifices and working hard over a period of time helps expand our gratification expectation and the resulting fulfillment validates our efforts.
One day, we will stand before the Lord and, because of what Jesus did for us, those who have received His gracious gift will be found blameless before the Throne. All of our sacrifices in this life and all our struggles will fade away before the splendor of our reward!
“For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal.” ~ 2 Corinthians 4:17-18, ESV
“But, as it is written, ‘What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, what God has prepared for those who love him.’” ~ 1 Corinthians 2:9, ESV
Thank You, Jesus, for setting aside the splendor of Heaven and humbling Yourself as a little child and then going to the cross to die, so that we may live!
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Picture #4

Last time I shared how one of my favorite parts of teaching martial arts are the Belt Tests and the chance to see the hard work and dedication of a student pay off in their new belt rank. There is one other area that I may love even more – developing our current and future Instructor/Leaders!
Picture #4 in our series is from last Friday evening, at our final OMMA Instructor Academy of 2022. During that meeting, it was my privilege to promote Natalie and Nico to the first of eight Instructor ranks in the OMMA system – Trainee Instructor. It was also exciting to promote our first new Assistant Instructor since before COVID – Billy earned the second level of the eight OMMA instructor ranks.
I am very excited to see these three (among others) rising to a new level of commitment and competency as instructors, martial artists and leaders and I am constantly grateful to our Lord for raising them up and, I am looking forward to watching them grow as OMMA instructors in the months to come. One of them being our own son, Nico (16), makes it that much more meaningful!
Billy (in the middle) is holding the book we use in our OMMA Instructor Academy as one of the resources to make sure our instructor training is Christ-centered, Bible-focused, and Spirit-led. If you haven’t read the book “Spiritual Leadership,” by J. Oswald Sanders, I would highly recommend it!
Although OMMA is not a church and we are not raising up pastors, we are seeking to raise up spiritual leaders who will be increasingly equipped to impact our communities and the world for Christ in the years to come. The article by John Piper linked below was a great reminder to me that in ministry we should not only be seeking to “finish well” our own race in the years He allots to us, but to be mindful of how God would desire us to prepare those who will follow us and continue the Kingdom work when we are gone.
“Necessary to faithful gospel ministry is an investment in the next generation of gospel ministers.” ~ Pastor John Piper
“I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” (2 Timothy 4:7, NIV)
Please take a look at the article if you get a chance and please continue to keep OMMA in your prayers – may He continue to show off His greatness in and through the lives of those He calls to lead, now and in the years and decades to come, should Jesus tarry in His return. 🙂
Your participation in giving to our Year-End fundraiser and overall Mission 2025 campaign makes a HUGE difference in our ability to recruit, train and retain these leaders who, Lord willing, may carry the legacy of OMMA into the next generation and beyond.

Picture #5

One key part of our vision is to offer a “Christ-centered alternative” for those who desire to train in the martial arts but prefer to avoid elements that might prove to contradict their faith and who want to be intentional about honoring the Lord in everything they do (1 Cor. 10:31). We believe that our three OMMA dojos offer this, plus a community that exists to go beyond just martial arts in serving others.
Picture #5 in our series is after a recent belt test, in which one of our newest students, Vanessa, earned her first belt – the Yellow Belt. Vanessa is incredibly dedicated and committed to her training with OMMA and has a genuine passion to learn and grow as a martial artist. This is not always common in our younger teenagers, so it is always exciting to see!
Vanessa’s mother had a few words to share with us after this picture was taken, which I want to share with you:
“Thank you for accommodating Vanessa by allowing her to test a day early. She truly enjoys learning and she even learned from the test. We appreciate the time and support toward her progress in Kempo. She told us she felt accomplished and had so much fun. We are thankful and blessed for you both in your support toward Vanessa’s walk with Christ and teaching her how to defend herself and others.” ~ Vanessa’s mom
Speaking of her family, there is another aspect of Vanessa training with us that I am so very excited about. She and her parents had a desire for her to participate in martial arts but wanted to do so in a place where Jesus Christ was honored. Upon searching Google for such a place, she came across one of our OMMA locations. Unfortunately, our closest location to their home was more than an HOUR away.
“My daughter has wanted to do Martial Arts for a while now, but we are very careful with the type of environments she is exposed to at this young age. I specifically prayed about it and typed in Google search ‘Christian based Martial Arts.’ It is important for us that we are reinforcing Christian values during extracurricular activities.” ~ Vanessa’s mom
They have decided to attend, nevertheless, even though there are probably literally 100 other martial arts schools closer to their home. This means a lot to me and reminds me of the reason WHY we exist – so people like Vanessa’s family have a place they can feel at home!
“There is not a square inch in the whole domain of our human existence over which Christ, who is Sovereign over all, does not cry, Mine!”
― Abraham Kuyper
“For from him and through him and to him are all things. To him be glory forever. Amen.” (Romans 11:36, ESV)
As we press on into 2023, we will be working hard to expand our Christ-centered influence in the communities we are already established in, and Lord willing, expand to new communities as well!
Your participation in giving to our Year-End fundraiser and overall Mission 2025 campaign makes a HUGE difference in our ability to reach more people like Vanessa and her family who are looking for a Jesus-focused dojo to call home.
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Picture #6

One thing I try to do this week between Christmas and New Years is take stock of the year gone by and make an assessment. This assessment includes my walk with Jesus, my relationships with those I am closest to, my physical health and my stewardship of the ministry, work & finances the Lord has entrusted to me. After this, I will consider the habits I need to change to see growth in each area in the year to come. Perhaps you do something similar.
Today we continue in our series “A Picture of OMMA” with #6 of 10. I think this picture captures this theme perfectly to me, but it might take a minute of my unpacking it for you to see the connection. Bear with me. 😊
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9, NIV)
Picture #6 in our series is from our most recent Black Belt testing. On that test, William and John earned their 2ndDegree Black Belt, and Joe (pictured defending against the club attack) became the 8th OMMA Black Belt not long after this photo was taken.
There are many character qualities that are required by those who go on to earn a Black Belt in our OMMA system. One of these is most certainly “Courage.” It takes courage to face and overcome the particular fears that each of us have, which the martial arts journey is excellent at drawing out and forcing us to deal with. As a system that doesn’t just emphasize the physical and mental, but also the spiritual, some of our students face greater challenges in that arena.
Joe certainly faced many physical and mental challenges in his Black Belt journey, but, as he shares below, some of the greatest ones for him were spiritual. The Lord also was pleased to use OMMA and our “On Mission Spiritual Fitness” curriculum to help Joe see growth in some of these areas. Let’s hear a bit about this in Joe’s own words:
“When you train with a goal in mind, you expect to have to get back up. You expect to ‘can’t’ until you can. Regardless of whether it’s swimming, running, playing chess or martial arts. Marco likes to say that the only difference between a white and black belt is the black belt doesn’t quit. But what’s hard to train, is courage. It’s difficult to do, as it requires the ability predict what causes fear for everyone. The experiences of life are vastly different for each of us, and it also requires a bit of honesty to ourselves what actually causes our fear. BIG ASK!
For me personally, this is where the OMMA spiritual fitness program helped the most. I wasn’t a very experienced follower of Christ and while I knew we all are commissioned; nothing would cause more anxiety than speaking to others about my faith. I didn’t know what to do, what to say, or where to start. Quite frankly I was afraid of being a bad representation.
The spiritual fitness program OMMA provided, however, gave me a path. A path of habits to create through biblical spiritual disciplines. Paths for people who don’t know what to do next. Now situations where I would have normally tried to side-step or avoid, I move on forward. Regardless of the anxiety/fear that maybe I associated with these actions because I have learned that faith is greater than fear.”
OMMA is not a church. We have no desire to replace the church, or the Christian family. What we do desire, however, is to come alongside those two God-ordained institutions to support the work of God in the lives of those who train with us. And, quite frankly, there are those who come to us who are not currently in a situation where they are receiving direction and community in a bible-based church or family environment. OMMA can help fill that gap until such a time as the Lord brings those areas to pass in their lives.
“For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.” (2 Timothy 1:7, ESV)
Your participation in giving to our Year-End fundraiser and overall Mission 2025 campaign makes a HUGE difference in our ability to continue to offer a place where people can grow, not just physically and mentally, but, by the grace of God and the leading of the Holy Spirit, in their faith walk with Jesus as well!
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Picture #7

A well-known saying in the martial arts world is “A Black Belt is a White Belt that never quit.” There is definitely much truth to that saying, which is why we emphasize Perseverance as one of our key “Character of a Christ Warrior” qualities.
Picture #7 represents this trait in a somewhat unique way. First of all, yes, that is our son Nico, who turned 16 years old in August. This picture was taken during his recent belt testing, where he earned his Adult Green Belt.
When Nico tied on his new belt at the end of his test a few weeks ago, it represented a first for OMMA. Nico became our first student in history to start training as a Pre-Karate student, progress from there through many years as a Young Warrior student and finally transition to the Adult program – we are very proud of him!
This is a great example of Perseverance – Nico has been training with OMMA since he was 4 years old. Do the math and you realize he has been a student for 12 years. Actually, apart from David & Karen Bradley and myself, no one else currently training with OMMA has been there longer. Nico is now committed to growing as an instructor and working toward his Brown and Black belts in the years ahead, Lord willing.
Perseverance takes many forms. As important as we believe this character trait is in the dojo and in our martial arts journey, it is infinitely more so in our faith journey.
Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him. ~ James 1:12, NIV
It is easy to persevere when things are going well. The challenge is when things get tough. In the dojo it might look like struggling to find time to get to class, or perhaps an injury that sets us back. In our walk with Jesus, it might look like being hurt by the church, doubting His promises, or struggling to understand why God allows certain things in our lives and the lives of those around us.
In the dojo, the key to perseverance is not trying to do it all alone, but in community. Certainly, martial arts is a personal activity, but it is not a private one. Nico has been surrounded by many others over his 12 years who have encouraged him to press on and overcome and OMMA will continue to do so for him and all those who are a part of our community for as long as our Lord allows.
Likewise, perseverance in our faith is not primarily about trying harder (although it does take effort), but more about surrendering ourselves daily, even moment-by-moment, to the One who can cause us to endure. Jesus Himself told us to expect trouble, but also gave us the solution to the problem – Himself and the community of believers!
I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” ~ John 16:33, ESV
The Lord has sustained OMMA and allowed us to endure the pandemic, though it has set our growth plan back about three years. In 2019, just before COVID, we were getting SO close to launching our third Central Florida dojo. Accomplishing our Mission 2025 fundraising goals will be the key to getting OMMA back on track. Thank you for your consideration!
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Picture #8

Arithmetic versus exponential growth
I know, I know … I didn’t tell you that math was going to be a part of these updates!
Picture #8 in our series is from the webpage for our “Foundations of Christian Martial Arts” online course, which will be the first of many courses in our OMMA Online Academy.
Hundreds of hours have been put into developing the curriculum for the course and building the operations and marketing infrastructure to make this a high-quality product. We believe this will be something that can reach many people across the country, and Lord willing, even the world!
One great challenge in our growth over the years is not having had enough instructor capacity to teach more students and open more dojos. Our growth has been “arithmetic,” or 3 + 3 + 3 = 9. In order to achieve our goals, we need to get to the point where our growth is more “exponential,” or something like 3 x 3 x 3 = 27.
Once the OMMA Online Academy is in full swing, we will be able to “teach” hundreds of online students in the same amount of time it would take to teach a few in person students, because most of the teaching will be fully automated and on demand. This will allow us to grow our geographic presence more quickly and to massively increase our potential pool of future OMMA Instructors and ministry partners.
Earlier in December, I began a conversation with a pastor from another state who came across OMMA online and reached out to me. He desires to work through our online courses and potentially get to a place where he could teach the OMMA system in the future. This is one example of many who have asked me for such a program over the years, but that option didn’t exist until now.
There is still A LOT of work to do to make the OMMA Online Academy a viable tool for this kind of growth, but the foundation has been laid, and I believe with all my heart that the potential for ministry impact is incredible! Please pray that OMMA will be a great resource for this specific pastor, as well as those who the Lord will connect us with in the months to come. Thank you!
A portion of the funds we raise through our Mission 2025 campaign will be utilized to develop a robust and impactful OMMA Online Academy that we pray will reach many thousands in places where we don’t yet, or will never, have a physical dojo location.
Thank you for your partnership – I cannot describe what an encouragement you are to me.
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Picture #9

Picture #9 in our series is from our most recent OMMA Service Project at our Zion, Illinois dojo.
I love the excitement and joy that surround these projects – this young lady from our northern location is showing off the 72 gift boxes prepared by the group up there. This was in addition to the 455 we made down here in the Central Florida area.
More than 500 children around the world will be blessed with gifts and the gospel message through this partnership with Operation Christmas Child. OMMA has made a total of 3,624 such boxes since we started doing this project!
One thing we seek to champion in our OMMA community is the critical importance of developing a servant heart. We strive to increasingly set aside our selfish desires to make much of Christ through the giving of our resources of time, treasure, and talent to bless others, especially the neediest among us.
We were created and saved by God to serve Him by serving others.
“For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them.” (Ephesians 2:10)
“…to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me.” (Matthew 25:40b)
For 15 years, OMMA has been sponsoring Group Service Projects where our OMMA community and those in our broader communities can come together to serve others in tangible ways.
We have been blessed to partner with Operation Christmas Child in helping to have an impact in the lives of children all around the world.
One awesome thing about Jesus’ call to service is when we serve others, we not only can be a vehicle of His blessing, but the Lord uses that to change each of us a little more into the Image of our Savior. I’d call that a win-win situation!
“Jesus said to them, ‘You know that those who are recognized as rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them; and their great men exercise authority over them. But it is not this way among you, but whoever wishes to become great among you shall be your servant.” (Mark 10:42-43)
Your support for OMMA allows us to continue partnering with Operation Christmas Child, Word on the Street Homeless Ministry, and the other ministries that we partner with throughout the year.
THANK YOU for helping us help them!
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Picture #10

Today we also finish our series “A Picture of OMMA” with #10 of 10.
Each of these images represent an important aspect of the ministry and how we seek to fulfill our Mission: “To see lives changed for God’s glory, using Christ-centered martial arts.”
Picture #10 in our series is a great one of a wonderful couple – David & Karen Bradley. Most of you who are familiar with OMMA know who this couple is, but I have a few things to say about them today.
There are many positive words I could use to describe David & Karen, but one of them is Commitment.
As martial artists, they have shown tremendous commitment over the past 15 or so years – both earning their Black Belts, with Karen advancing recently to 3rd Degree Black Belt.
They are also incredibly committed as instructors and leaders for OMMA. Karen holds the rank of Chief Instructor and leads our Winter Springs, Florida location, while also teaching many group and private classes at both Florida dojos. She also serves as our Operations Director, keeping the “gears” behind the scenes operating smoothly.
David is also committed to teaching in both our Florida dojos, while also serving as a long-time member of the OMMA Board of Directors.
Aside from these more visible roles, their commitment extends to so many of the little things that most people don’t notice. Things like taking out the trash, fixing broken toilets, dealing with unexpected issues and so much more. They have servant hearts like few others I have met and OMMA is blessed to have them so committed to the ministry. Personally, I am blessed to call them friends, co-workers, and my brother & sister in Christ!
Above all else, this couple is committed to Jesus – to knowing Him more and making Him known to others. They are an example of faith to me and so many whose lives they touch.
At OMMA, we will always encourage our students to be increasingly committed to their martial arts training, and for some, to commit to teaching and leading in various ways. We will also make as a primary priority, encouraging every student to be increasingly committed to their walk with the Lord. At the end of the day, this is what will truly matter.
“Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.” ~ Philippians 3:13-14, NIV
I am so, so very grateful to all who, generously and in obedience to the Lord, support OMMA financially and with your prayers so that we can press on in our commitment “To see lives changed, for God’s glory, using Christ-centered martial arts.
Sensei Marco
“Only one life, ’twill soon be past, only what’s done for Christ will last.” ~ C.T. Studd