Picture #6
One thing I try to do this week between Christmas and New Years is take stock of the year gone by and make an assessment. This assessment includes my walk with Jesus, my relationships with those I am closest to, my physical health and my stewardship of the ministry, work & finances the Lord has entrusted to me. After this, I will consider the habits I need to change to see growth in each area in the year to come. Perhaps you do something similar.
Today we continue in our series “A Picture of OMMA” with #6 of 10. I think this picture captures this theme perfectly to me, but it might take a minute of my unpacking it for you to see the connection. Bear with me. 
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9, NIV)
Picture #6 in our series is from our most recent Black Belt testing. On that test, William and John earned their 2ndDegree Black Belt, and Joe (pictured defending against the club attack) became the 8th OMMA Black Belt not long after this photo was taken.
There are many character qualities that are required by those who go on to earn a Black Belt in our OMMA system. One of these is most certainly “Courage.” It takes courage to face and overcome the particular fears that each of us have, which the martial arts journey is excellent at drawing out and forcing us to deal with. As a system that doesn’t just emphasize the physical and mental, but also the spiritual, some of our students face greater challenges in that arena.
Joe certainly faced many physical and mental challenges in his Black Belt journey, but, as he shares below, some of the greatest ones for him were spiritual. The Lord also was pleased to use OMMA and our “On Mission Spiritual Fitness” curriculum to help Joe see growth in some of these areas. Let’s hear a bit about this in Joe’s own words:
“When you train with a goal in mind, you expect to have to get back up. You expect to ‘can’t’ until you can. Regardless of whether it’s swimming, running, playing chess or martial arts. Marco likes to say that the only difference between a white and black belt is the black belt doesn’t quit. But what’s hard to train, is courage. It’s difficult to do, as it requires the ability predict what causes fear for everyone. The experiences of life are vastly different for each of us, and it also requires a bit of honesty to ourselves what actually causes our fear. BIG ASK!
For me personally, this is where the OMMA spiritual fitness program helped the most. I wasn’t a very experienced follower of Christ and while I knew we all are commissioned; nothing would cause more anxiety than speaking to others about my faith. I didn’t know what to do, what to say, or where to start. Quite frankly I was afraid of being a bad representation.
The spiritual fitness program OMMA provided, however, gave me a path. A path of habits to create through biblical spiritual disciplines. Paths for people who don’t know what to do next. Now situations where I would have normally tried to side-step or avoid, I move on forward. Regardless of the anxiety/fear that maybe I associated with these actions because I have learned that faith is greater than fear.”
OMMA is not a church. We have no desire to replace the church, or the Christian family. What we do desire, however, is to come alongside those two God-ordained institutions to support the work of God in the lives of those who train with us. And, quite frankly, there are those who come to us who are not currently in a situation where they are receiving direction and community in a bible-based church or family environment. OMMA can help fill that gap until such a time as the Lord brings those areas to pass in their lives.
“For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.” (2 Timothy 1:7, ESV)
Your participation in giving to our Year-End fundraiser and overall Mission 2025 campaign makes a HUGE difference in our ability to continue to offer a place where people can grow, not just physically and mentally, but, by the grace of God and the leading of the Holy Spirit, in their faith walk with Jesus as well!