About On Mission Martial Arts

On Mission Martial Arts exists to bring honor and glory to God through an integrated program of physical, mental and spiritual training leading to increased physical, mental and spiritual fitness.

The training we provide is not intended for tournament or sport competition. Our program is intended to teach practical skills in physical, mental and spiritual self defense.
Finally, we desire to be a martial arts community that serves others in our neighborhoods and around the world by sharing the love of God in Christ through words and deeds.

Why Study with OMMA?

A distinctly Christian martial arts/self-defense program
Our program is Christ-centered and exists to bring glory to God. Anything in any way related to an eastern religious worldview or humanistic philosophy has absolutely no place in the OMMA system. Our goal is personal development in order to more fully serve Jesus and others.

Spiritual fitness to go along with the physical and mental fitness
This program will complement your church and family by encouraging training in spiritual disciplines like Bible reading, study, memorization, etc

Due to the nature of On Mission Martial Arts, Inc. as a nonprofit ministry, our tuition rates are substantially discounted. The generous ministry partners who support this ministry with their contributions help us keep rates low, yet still operate the ministry with excellence. Scholarships may be available to students who strongly desire to participate in this program, yet are in a place of financial hardship.

A system emphasizing adaptability
There is a very intentional and systematic curriculum designed to help students be progressively challenged mind, body and spirit. That said, each student is unique in their physical, mental and spiritual levels of fitness and so our program has flexibility to adapt to the unique needs and desires of each student. Whether you are very out of shape or an elite athlete, whether you are in full-time ministry or a new Christian, the OMMA program can and will flex to help you progress from where you are.

Self-defense focus…not sport
The art of Kempo-Karate we learn is designed primarily to enable us to protect ourselves, loved ones and other innocents from being victimized. We do not participate in competitions or tournaments but focus all of our training on particular situations we may face in real life. In a sport the goal is “WIN”. In our program we train to “SURVIVE”.

Emphasis on safety
We are very careful to balance a realistic training approach with a commitment to safety. Although any endeavor like this carries some risk, we take every precaution to keep our students injury-free. In the long run this creates a superior martial artist who hasn’t had to constantly take time off to mend.

Break through comfort zones
The combination of physical, mental and spiritual training will help students, over time, overcome fears & complacency that may be holding them back from being all that the Lord has for them. Confidence and courage and a warrior spirit will begin to grow and fear and complacency will begin to disappear.

Accomplish multiple purposes with one program
Experience physical strength training, flexibility, coordination & cardiovascular training, overall wellness focus, improved concentration, stress relief, practical self-defense skills, spiritual fitness, opportunities to serve others according to Christ’s direction and have fun – all in one place!

Instead of a highly competitive atmosphere, we are a community of Christians who work together “as iron sharpens iron,” to help each other all grow and develop as Christian martial artists.

Well Rounded
OMMA martial arts system is well-rounded with training in all four ranges of self-defense (kicking, striking, trapping, grappling) as well as a program that includes training in the character of a Christian warrior – perseverance, discipline, self-control, loyalty, compassion, calm in the storm, peacemaker – to complement and balance out the physical skills developed.

Statement of Faith

On Mission Martial Arts is a Christian martial arts ministry and a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization.

Our Mission: “To see lives changed for God’s glory, using Christ-centered martial arts”.