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Author: omma

December 2nd, 2017 OMMA Family, The famous 18th-century preacher and theologian, Jonathan Edwards once said, “Natural things were ordered for types of spiritual things.” God uses things we are familiar with to teach us truths about Himself and how He operates. Our spiritual journey in this life is...

“Only one life,’twill soon be past, Only what’s done for Christ will last.” - C.T. Studd   November 29th, 2017 OMMA Family, If your email Inbox was anything like mine, you know that yesterday was#GivingTuesday, which was established as a counter-movement to the consumer-driven#BlackFriday. I think it’s a perfect time to...

We are anticipating with excitement gathering with many of you on Friday, November 11th, 2016 from 6:30-8:30pm at Avalon Church (www.avalonchurch.org) for an evening of service as OMMA holds its next 500-100-100 Project!For those who are newer to OMMA (and as a reminder to our...