Changed Lives

OMMA – Stories of Changed Lives 


Check out this two-minute video from the parents of one of our Young Warrior intermediate students. We are blessed to be a small part of their son’s growth. 🙂

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Story #2 – Family Training

Here is how training with OMMA has been a blessing to a mother and son who train together at one of our Dojos:


OMMA has been a part of our family for many years. My son started here to work on focus, discipline, and self defense. He has also gained increased strength, flexibility, and self confidence. Later on I joined an adult class for some of the same reasons. We both enjoy our training and have received encouragement and support from the outstanding instructors and friendly families that are a part of this community. I also love that this is very affordable, no contracts, and an amazing Christian organization that really cares about all of their students and their families.” (Karen & Hudson)

Story#3 -Prusia

Martial Arts Ministry in Mexico


You may not be aware of this, but when you partner with OMMA, you are also joining us in our partnership with the Prusia family who lead a martial arts ministry in Puebla, Mexico. Before COVID hit, we were working on a mission trip down there, and Lord willing, we will get down there in the near future. I wanted to share a message I received from Darrol Prusia recently:


I would like to give a big Thank You to On Mission Martial Arts for being partners in our ministry. Thanks to OMMA we are able to teach martial arts here and build into the lives of our students and share the love of Christ.


Two quick stories.
Let me introduce you to Aurora Durantes Toache. Aurora was one of our first students and one of our Black Belts. She was already attending church with her family and wanted to train in martial arts. When her parents met us at church they decided that she could finally train. Shortly after receiving her Black Belt Aurora announced that she wanted to go on the Logos Mission Ship. She said that it was the influence of her martial arts training and seeing that God can use our passions to build his Kingdom. During her time on the ship Aurora started a women’s self defense ministry with another young lady that trained in martial arts too.


The second is Pastor Miguel and his wife Nicole. Three years ago Miguel and Nicole showed up in the dojo with three other couples to ask what it would take to open up a martial arts school in their small town of San Nicolas Buenos Aires. When I asked Miguel why he felt it was needed he said that he wanted to reach the youth. He said as young as 11 years old kids where drinking, using drugs and experimenting sexually. We opened the school.


With out ministry partners like OMMA we would not be able to do ministry in San Nicolas as it’s 70 miles away from Puebla and the quickest route is using toll roads. But more importantly we could not support Pastor Miguel and his wife. This year has been a challenging one for them. In mid-August Miguel lost his father to Covid. Because of our ministry partners we were able to help the family with medical expenses and the cremation of his dad. Then at the beginning of October Miguel lost his younger sister and her baby during childbirth. Again, we were able to come alongside the family and support them.


On Thanksgiving Day Miguel called me again with bad news. The owners of the house and space they rented for their business wanted the house asap. Miguel couldn’t find a new place and asked if they could use the martial arts school. Over the weekend we moved Miguel and Nicole and their three boys into the space. Thank You for partnering with us!”


THANK YOU for helping OMMA help the Prusia family and all those they minister to!
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Story #4 – Reaching our Teens too!


Here is how training with OMMA has been a blessing to one of our teen young ladies:


“Our daughter tried several sports through the years, and none really worked out well for her. She has mild CP and is left hemiplegic so physical activities left her feeling defeated. She asked to try martial arts. I hesitated because our older daughter had a negative experience a few years prior. I do not remember how we heard about OMMA, but I am so glad we did!


Our girl began attending classes a few days before her 13th birthday. She is now 15 and has benefitted immensely! She has grown in confidence in attempting new things physically where before she would not even try. She is learning respect, hard work, and perseverance…and she likes it! I appreciate the aspect of enforcing of Christ-like values. All the Sensei’s have been beautiful role models, mentors, and coaches who not only teach Biblical principles, but embody them during each class!


~Laura Joseph”

Story#5 – Mrs. Laura



This story comes from Laura Allen, who trains up in our Zion, Illinois Dojo and happens to be the mother of two of our Black Belt Instructors – William and John. 🙂


“This is just one of the many ways Kempo has helped me. After driving down the interstate for hours, I was looking for a rest stop. It was about 6 in the evening; the sun had set, and it was already dark. The rest stop was well-lit and the parking lot empty except for one car. I hopped out of the passenger seat as my husband and 2 sons opened their doors to exit the vehicle. With a bathroom in sight, I closed the car door and moved quickly toward the curb. Having been in the same position for hours, my legs didn’t quite do what my brain told them. I didn’t quite clear the curb and I knew I was going down. In my head I heard myself say, “roll.” So, I started to roll. Then I heard “keep rolling.” So, I kept rolling. And finally, I heard, “stand up.” I obeyed my inner voice and to my surprise there I was standing up, brushing myself off. I curtsied to the crowd of one (my sensei and son, William) and proceeded to the bathroom. I had grass in my hair and mud on my jeans, but I wore them with pride – my battle scars! Had I not taken Kempo and learned how to fall, I would have been hurting for days afterward. This is just one of the physical rewards of Kempo.”


Both in our physical and spiritual training, we must press on with all diligence – you never know when you might need to use it!
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Story #6 – No Bullying!

One challenge that exists every year unfortunately, is bullying. Bullying can manifest in a variety of forms and affects children, teens and adults too. We want to respond with a balance of strength and grace, and we depend on the power of the Holy Spirit to help us teach that to our students and execute it, if required.




One of our Young Warrior students has grown tremendously in his confidence overall, and specifically in his ability to deal with bullying. I will let you hear it from Michael in his own words: 🙂


“OMMA has helped me become more confident in defending myself. Whether it is using peace to calm a situation down, or a last resort of using power to defend myself, I have become more confident. There was a particular time when one of my classmates hit me with a chair and I almost fell on to the computers in the classroom. So, after he did that, I got right back up to my feet and grabbed the chair and pushed him back with it to prevent his further attempts to attack me. I did not get in trouble because the teacher knew I was defending myself. OMMA has given me the courage and confidence to be able to defend myself and others appropriately depending on the situation. Thanks, OMMA!”


Lord help us train to stand up to injustice and bullying of all types with strength balanced with love and grace. Help us be more like You, Jesus!

Story#7 – Elijah

This story of a changed life is very meaningful to me, because I have been involved in the life of this particular student for 16 years, and have watched him grow up as a part of OMMA, including as one of our main instructors for many years. 🙂




“Hello All!
My name is Elijah Migliore. I was part of OMMA from its founding until I left to serve in the Air-Force a couple years ago. OMMA equipped me with discipline, good work ethic, and strengthened me spiritually. OMMA’s instructor program gave me leadership skills that have directly impacted my career and set me ahead of my peers. I cannot say enough good words about OMMA- they will train you and your family to do much more than simply defend yourselves!”


Martial arts training is a great platform to develop so many leadership skills and put them into action. At OMMA we seek to develop Christ-centered, Spirit-led, servant leaders who realize that ultimately we don’t “teach martial arts,” we “teach people!”


THANK YOU for your support which allows us to continue to keep developing future leaders who we pray will make much of Jesus Christ, wherever they are!
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Story#8 – Homeschool Family


At On Mission Martial Arts, one of our deep desires is to come alongside Christian families, homeschool families and the church, among others, to reinforce and support the important beliefs and actions they are teaching.

Please check out Elizabeth sharing a bit about their experience!

Story#9 – Pastor Skip

One thing we seek to champion in our OMMA community is the critical importance of developing a servant heart. We strive to increasingly set aside our selfish desires to make much of Christ through the giving of our resources of time, treasure and talent to bless others, especially the neediest among us.


We were created and saved by God to serve Him by serving others.


“For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them.”(Ephesians 2:10)


“…to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me.” (Matthew 25:40b)

In this brief video, Pastor Skip shares his heart about the partnership between WOTS & OMMA. I am in awe of the work Skip does and the lives he impacts and it’s an honor to work together with him.



For 13 years, OMMA has been sponsoring Group Service Projects where our OMMA community and those in our broader communities can come together to serve others in tangible ways.


We have been blessed to partner with Pastor Skip Fengfish and Word on the Street Homeless Ministries in helping to have an impact in the lives of our local homeless communities.


One awesome thing about Jesus’ call to service is when we serve others, we not only can be a vehicle of His blessing, but the Lord uses that to change each of us a little more into the Image of our Savior. I’d call that a win-win situation!