
On Mission Martial Arts has classes for all different ages, levels of experience and interest.

All of our programs consist of three basic elements:

1) Christian martial arts/self-defense program
2) Spiritual fitness program
3) Engaging in acts of service to demonstrate the love of Jesus Christ through both word and deed.


For students ages 4-6. In this program, students will receive age-appropriate martial arts and self-defense techniques, Bible-based character trait development and an introduction to Christian service.

Young Warriors

All students aged 7-12 years old will be in this program. This program emphasizes age-appropriate martial arts and self-defense techniques, Bible-based character trait development and an introduction to Christian service.

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Teens & Adults

For students 13+ who desire to make the full commitment to accomplish a rare and honorable task – becoming an On Mission Black Belt. Students in this program will be trained, encouraged and challenged to growth in all three elements of the OMMA program.

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We offer Private Lessons for Young Warriors and Adults.  Work with an Instructor one on one or share with other family members.  We highly recommend private lessons for those who want to accelerate their training.

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Instructor Training

An invitation only program of advanced training in all three elements plus specific training on how to instruct others and lead an OMMA community.

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Online Academy

If you aren’t near one of our physical dojos, are currently unable to train in person for some reason, or would like this as a supplement to your in-dojo training, the OMMA Online Academy might be perfect for you!

On Mission Martial Arts is a Christian martial arts ministry and a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization.

Our Mission: “To see lives changed for God’s glory, using Christ-centered martial arts”.