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Why is practicing bag work important?



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One of the most beneficial training tools we have as martial artists are the various pads and bags we can utilize for “bagwork” training. There are a wide variety of bags and pads, ranging from small hand pads for striking, to kicking shields to large standing or hanging bags.


Until a student has spent significant time striking a bag, they cannot know if they have enough power to stop a potential attacker and they cannot know if their body is strong enough and their technique proper enough to deliver the strikes without injuring themselves.


Since we cannot hit our partners with our full power typically (good way to lose friends and dojo partners!), the bag is our best method to get a feel of full-contact striking. It’s also a great full-body, anaerobic and aerobic (if done long enough) workout… lots of benefits!


OMMA Students should find time for regular Bag Work training!

Karate Exercises With a Punching Bag