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Marco karen william

What makes a “Christ-Warrior”?



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Character (Greek = “charakter”) is a word that has been translated in the Bible as the phrase “express image.” In Hebrews 1:2 and Colossians 1:15 (among other Scriptures), we see that Jesus is our model of Godly character.


As martial artists we develop abilities and power that require a counterbalance of strong character in order to avoid abuse. To learn these potentially harmful moves without the context of character development would be dangerous and very irresponsible. Listed below are 12-character qualities that are critical to any martial artist, but especially as we represent Christ as Christian Warriors. In the On Mission Martial Arts program we consider these 12 traits, focusing on various aspects of each one in an effort to grow and sharpen it in our lives through the power of the Holy Spirit.


12 Traits of a Christ-Warrior:

  1. Courageous (vs. Fearful)
  2. Discerning (vs. Unaware)
  3. Compassionate (vs. Indifferent)
  4. Persevering (vs. Giving Up)
  5. Self Controlled (vs. Self-Indulgent)
  6. Respectful (vs. Rude)
  7. Focused (vs. Aimless)
  8. Responsible (vs. Unreliable)
  9. Enthusiastic (vs. Anxious)
  10. Grateful (vs. Ungrateful)
  11. Disciplined (vs. Slothful)
  12. Humble (vs. Proud)

How can a warrior / martial arts fighter serve Christ?