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Why is it important to be part of a spiritual community?

Diverse group of friends cleanup a park during a charity event. They are standing with their arms around one another.


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Just as community is critical in the journey from White Belt to Black Belt and beyond, it is so much more vital in our spiritual journey. Someone once said, “The Christian life is meant to be ‘personal,’ but not ‘private.’” We need all that the Christian community, the Church, brings to us and what we bring to it.


Over 50 times in Scripture the phrase “one another” is used. These are the instructions from our Lord on the ways we are to treat each other in the context of Christian community. Although OMMA is not a church, we are a Christian community that seeks to apply these actions into the lives of one another…in and out of the dojo.


A GREAT ARTICLE ON THIS TOPIC: https://www.challies.com/articles/one-another-the-bible-community/

A ONE PAGE LIST OF “One Anothers”: https://www.mmlearn.org/hubfs/docs/OneAnotherPassages.pdf

The Importance of Spiritual Comminuty | Malachi 2:10