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What is an”uke” and why are they important?



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One thing we say on a regular basis is that the best martial artists are usually those who have an opportunity to have the best training partners.


The Bible tells us that “iron sharpens iron,” and both in our spiritual walk with Christ and our martial arts journey, cooperation with those journeying alongside us is critical!


In martial arts, the “Uke” is the Japanese term for the person who punches in for us while we pratice our techniques on them. Traditionally, it is such an important role that often a bond develops even outside the Dojo between a martial artist and his or her “Uke.” Though it may not look exactly the same in our culture and time, a high level of cooperation with each other in the dojo is a win-win for all parties. It’s the proverbial “rising tide lifting all boats.”


As followers of Christ and seekers of Truth, we also need to come alongside one another in the dojo with a spirit of teamwork and cooperation instead of conflict and competition. We must be “on the same side” with one another.

Being a good training partner in Martial Arts – Tips for the Uke