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Why is it important to set goals in martial arts?

goal setting


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In seeking to focus our goal setting, it might be helpful to consider setting goals based on the seven “F’s”…Faith, Family, Field (Career/Work), Fitness, Finances, Fun, and Friends.


There is also a tremendous benefit in setting SMART goals … goals that are Specific, Measurable, Action-oriented, Realistic, and Trackable. Perhaps you might consider something like this if you haven’t already.


For your martial arts training to be successful, goal-setting is critical as well! If you need some help establishing some OMMA goals for you and/or your child in 2020 and beyond, please let your instructors know and we will help you put something together.


As Christ-followers, it is important to keep a healthy balance between planning for the future and trusting
God’s sovereign desires.


Here is a short article on a Biblical goal-setting perspective that you might find useful:


Setting Goals For Martial Arts