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What makes a God-centered leader?

god centered leader


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From Chapter Two, “Spiritual Leadership” by Oswald Chambers:


“True greatness, true leadership, is found in giving yourself in service to others, not in coaxing or inducing others to serve you. True service is never without cost. Often it comes with a bitter cup of challenges and a painful baptism of suffering. For genuine godly leadership weighs carefully Jesus’ question: ‘Can you drink the cup I drink or be baptized with the baptism I am baptized with?’ (Mark 10:38b). The real spiritual leader is focused on the service he and she can render to God and other people, not on the residuals and perks of high office or holy title. We must aim to put more into life than we take out.”


Here’s a great article about how to live a God-centered life:

5 Ways to Live the God-Centered Life

Biblical Principles of Leadership