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hard style

What is the difference between a “hard” and a “soft” style of martial arts?



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Although there are probably hundreds of different martial arts styles, all of them can be broken down into either a “Hard” style, a “Soft” style, or a hybrid.


“Hard” styles tend to emphasize direct, linear aspects with an emphasis on applying “crushing” power to all movements. They generally applies force to overcome force.


“Soft” styles tend to emphasize circular movements, with an emphasis on redirecting or deflecting the opponents’ force and using it against them.


Generally speaking, Japanese and Okinawan martial arts tend toward the harder aspects and Chinese martial arts tend toward the softer aspects. At OMMA the Kempo-based system we teach is a hybrid, or equal blend of both Hard and Soft styles, being a blend of Japanese and Chinese martial arts, among others. Although more challenging to master, it allows a much wider variety of applications depending on the practitioner and the opponent/situation.

Here’s a side-by-side of a kata done in hard style and soft style!