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Why is ground fighting important in martial arts?

ground fighting


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Randori is a Japanese term used in the martial arts to describe practice with a partner or partners, where skills are typically applied against free-style or random attacks. At OMMA, we use Randori in four different contexts: Sparring, Ground Fighting, Reaction Drills and Scenario Training.


Although our preference from a self-defense standpoint is to always remain on our feet, there may be times where we end up on the ground with our opponent, or on the ground while our opponent is still standing. To prepare for these possibilities, at OMMA we practice ground fighting skills. Initially, our ground practice covers falling safely, moving on the ground and basic positions. Later we move to chokes and ju-jitsu skills on the ground. Finally, we consider striking and “anything goes” techniqes for a life-or-death scenario on the ground.


Not only does ground fighting develop our overall self-defense skills and confidence, it is an excellent full-body

3 Ground Fighting Defense Techniques | MMA Fighting