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reaction drills

Why are reaction drills with a partner important?

reaction drills2


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Randori is a Japanese term used in the martial arts to describe practice with a partner or partners, where skills are typically applied against free-style or random attacks. At OMMA, we use Randori in four different contexts: Sparring, Groundfighting, Reaction Drills and Scenario Training. 


One of the best ways to train and test for how you might respond to a real-world attack is to have an opponent randomly attack you and see what your natural, instinctive response is. In our OMMA classes, we begin reaction drill training by having the student defend against one of two or three possible attacks and then add more and more variability to the attacks as they increase in skill and rank. This allows us to incorporate defenses against strikes, grabs and weapon attacks all in the context of the same exercises.

Here’s an example of a reaction drill!