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What is Scenario Training and why is it important?



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Randori is a Japanese term used in the martial arts to describe practice with a partner or partners, where skills are typically applied against free-style or random attacks. At OMMA, we use Randori in four different contexts: Sparring, Groundfighting, Reaction Drills and Scenario Training. This week we consider “Scenario Training.”


There are some areas of the Concentric Circles of Self Defense that are the non-physical aspects of Self Defense – things like Awareness, Avoidance, Diplomacy and Escape that are harder to practice with our traditional, physical martial arts practice. This is where Role Playing and Scenario Training comes into play.


We might set up a real-life situation complete with props to respresent the environment and the verbal aspects of the encounter as well. Since many physical situations can be avoided, this training can help us prevent having to use our physical martial arts. It also will help us bridge the gap between the non-physical and the physical when we have thought through and experienced what that might look like in a non-Dojo scenario.

Here’s an example of scenario training with a knife!