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spirit filled

What does it mean to live a “spirit-filled” life?

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True growth into Christ-like character is an impossible task in our own strength. We need to daily, even moment-by-moment, cooperate with the Holy Spirit in our lives to give us the power, wisdom, and direction to grow.


We have access to the most powerful Person in the universe and He has offered to walk with us through all our trials in this journey of life; and not only walk with us, but give us access to His power through His Spirit. To have victory over the enemies we face—the devil, the world, and our own flesh—we must by filled daily with the Holy Spirit. To grow in character and become more like Jesus Christ, we must daily be filled with the Holy Spirit.


All the challenges that follow in our journey to become an On Mission Warrior depend on the power of God’s Holy Spirit, not our own strength!

What Is the Spirit-Filled Life? – Daily Devotional