Mario Johnson Bio

Mario Johnson is a member of the OMMA Board of Directors since 2020.

LTC (R) Mario A. Johnson

Mario Johnson was born in Washington D.C. and raised in San Juan, Puerto Rico. He attended Robinson High School in Santurce, Puerto Rico, and received a Bachelor of Science in Sports Physiology from the University of Inter American on June 1991.  He was an ROTC Distinguished Military Graduate from the University of Puerto Rico and awarded a Regular Army Commission on 8 June 1991.  He later received his Master of Science in Administration from Central Michigan University on August 2004.  He retired from the U.S. Army after 24 years of honorable service in 2015, and for the last five years he has dedicated himself to the field of education as the Senior Army Instructor for Dunbar High School JROTC program.  He is married to Darcey Johnson and they have one daughter Alexandra.


Mario has a love for serving the Lord Jesus Christ in whatever capacity the Lord leads him to.  He is involved in bringing the word of the Lord as part of his competitive endeavors.


LTC (R) Johnson’s career resume and duty assignments span across the globe.  He has worked in four different continents, travelled to many different nations and has interacted with many different cultures, ethnic groups and religions.  He has been to combat on three different occasions.  Currently Mario specializes in educating high school students in the areas of leadership management, administrative organization, ethics, military history, and physical fitness.  He is the head coach for the high school Raider team, which is composed of a 12 member team that execute the following events in a span of 5 hours – negotiate obstacles over half a mile, run 3 miles, construct a 60 foot rope bridge and cross all members form one side to the other under 2 minutes, flip a 500 pound tire, and finish with a 1 mile litter carry weighing 120 pounds.


Lastly, LTC Johnson enjoys fitness related activities and has competed in various triathlon events culminating in completing an Ironman event – 2.4-mile swim, 112-mile bike ride and a 26.2-mile run.  He also is highly involved into Obstacle Course Racing, competing in Spartan Races, Savage Races at various distances, that is 5k, 10k and 13.1 miles.