OMMA Methods

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These are the ways we seek to Redeem

the world of martial arts, for His great glory!



“So whether you eat, or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.”

1 Corinthians 10:31

By offering a Christ-centered alternative in the Martial Arts world. 



“There is not a square inch in the whole domain of our human existence over which Christ, who is Sovereign over all, does not cry, Mine!” (Abraham Kuyper)


The Martial Arts impact MILLIONS of people around the world and it is dominated by both Eastern and Secular Humanist worldviews.


More than 3.4 Million people currently train in the Martial Arts in the United States (, and many, many Millions more worldwide. When you add in those who encounter the Martial Arts in Movies, TV Shows, Video Games and the like, a high percentage of people are influenced by the world of Martial Arts.

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Founder and Senior Instructor, Marco, praying with a student.

“I wanted to share with you that my son told me on the way to class yesterday how comforted he felt knowing the instructors of his class knew Jesus. He said he would feel nervous going if that wasn’t the case. (He heard Z883 playing too and counted that as a bonus). Just wanted to thank you for offering a Christian Martial Arts program. He’s really enjoying it.”


– Mother of one of our OMMA students

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By providing Biblical Leadership training for children, teens and adults. 


One thing we try to remind our OMMA instructors regularly is that “we don’t teach martial arts, we teach people.” To make the greatest impact in lives of our students and to fulfill our desire to develop “Christ-warriors,” we must love each student and seek to inspire them to be the very best they can be.


It also means that we don’t just teach people martial arts, but we pray with them, encourage them, serve them and serve with them, honor them, forgive them and motivate them. The Bible needs to be a key factor in our teaching, inspiring and leading. Someone once said, “There is no ministry without the Word of God,” and we strongly believe this to be true at OMMA.


Our desire, also, is for OMMA to be a place where students, if so led, have the opportunity to learn how to instruct in the OMMA system and have the potential to grow from a volunteer to a part-time paid instructor to a full-time martial arts ministry career if the Lord calls them to such.


This training includes not only the teaching of martial arts and self-defense skills, but also how to lead from a Christ-centered perspective. How to be a servant-leader and set the example for their students to follow, as we follow Christ!

By incorporating our “On Mission Spiritual Fitness (OMSF)” curriculum as a part of our Belt advancement. 


One distinctive part of our OMMA curriculum is that in addition to the Martial Arts components and the physical and mental disciplines that are required to work through the ranks toward Black Belt and beyond, we also require spiritual disciplines and the Character of a Christ-Warrior to be developed and demonstrated.


This is one of the most important aspects of our program and yet, one of the more challenging to implement. We aren’t a “church,” so we don’t want to be acting like a local church, yet we don’t want to just slap a few Bible verses on top of the Martial Arts we teach. We want something that is valuable, attainable and appropriate for the wide variety of students we teach, yet in the context of our Martial Arts platform.


In addition, we have folks in our OMMA community who are not professing Christians, others who identify as Christian but probably have not truly understood the gospel and some who are in full-time Christian ministry and everything else in between. Our OMSF curriculum seeks to be God-honoring, Christ-centric, Spirit-directed, intentional, systematic and truly impactful for each student, wherever they are on their faith journey.


The “On Mission Spiritual Fitness” patch
“The Christian ideal has not been tried and found wanting. It has been found difficult; and left untried.”
― G.K. Chesterton, What’s Wrong with the World
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By keeping training costs affordable, so money is not a hinderance to people joining our community. 


Our goal at OMMA is to make our training costs one-half of the going rate for a full-time, professional martial arts school.

We desire to make the training affordable for those who seek to train with us, and between the lower costs and the OMMA Scholarship Program (see below), we hope that money is never an issue for those who have a sincere desire to train in our Christ-centered martial arts community.


The lower costs for training that we offer also is a competitive advantage between OMMA and other martial arts schools in our areas. Sometimes, people will come to us because they are looking for an affordable Dojo. In this way, we have opportunities to reach people who may not be Christians, but will come to OMMA either because of our teaching reputation and/or our lower costs.

Our ministry partners allow us to continue to operate with excellence, pursue His leading to grow OMMA and offer these affordable rates!

By offering Scholarships via our OMMA Scholarship Fund to under-resourced in our areas.


We have and are continuing to seek partnerships with various community groups and ministries in an effort to bring children who may not have the resources to afford even our very low tuition into our OMMA program at no cost to them.


Our heart to sponsor the under resourced into our Christ-centered community is almost always bigger than the monies in our scholarship fund, so we are asking the Lord in an intentional and specific way to provide the funds for as many as possible. Our desire would be to scholarship 10%+ of our student base in all our Dojos!

A group of under-resourced students that OMMA provides Scholarships for.
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By facilitating OMMA Service Projects to encourage service and impacting many worldwide.


Over the years we have organized at least two major Group Outreach projects per year where we have “taken it out of the Dojo,” to serve others in various ways. Below you can see some of the current statistics on what our projects have been able to accomplish. We are excited and grateful that the Lord has allowed us to partner with various organizations and groups in our community to accomplish these things. Glory to God!

Results from our OMMA Service Projects over the years. Glory to God!

By partnering with and resourcing Christian martial artists around the world. 



We receive requests all the time, from around the world, asking for help in starting or developing a Christ-centered martial arts program in various areas. We help as we are able, but our desire is to develop OMMA to the place where we are able to really make a more significant impact for these people reaching out to us. We are still relatively small, yet our visibility is being noticed worldwide already. Imagine the IMPACT when we are 3-4+ times our size!


Click HERE to read one example of an email we recently received from a person in Sri Lanka (this is his response to our request for info on his faith journey and martial arts journey):


Sometimes it’s easy to miss the “forest for the trees”, but we see a MASSIVE forest of potential for the Kingdom in the world of Martial Arts – as we grow toward our 100 Dojo goal here in the United States, we hope to simultaneously be resourcing and helping people like this brother in Sri Lanka to have an impact for Christ in their country too!

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The “On Mission Spiritual Fitness” patch

Class of students at the Puebla, Mexico martial arts school OMMA partners with.

By mobilizing our OMMA community (students & families) to engage in Missions


One example of our goals in the area of Mission Mobilization is a partnership we have between a martial arts ministry in Puebla, Mexico and OMMA. We desire to start bringing some teams from our OMMA community down there on a regular basis (beginning in 2019) to come alongside their Kingdom outreach in Puebla and to develop lasting relationships with the Prusia’s.


Here is a description of their ministry:


“Darrol and Kimberly Prusia have a Spirit-driven passion to share the Gospel using martial arts in Mexico. As a Black Belt instructor in Mixed Martial Arts, Darrol’s students learn discipline to shape body, character, and mind as essential tools for spiritual and life battles, and Darrol and Kimberly in turn witness’ how the Lord is using this ministry to draw their students’ closer with the Lord.”


As OMMA continues to grow, Lord willing, we desire to “adopt” communities in different parts of the world to which we will mobilize our growing body of students and their families in order to be a conduit of the Lord’s blessing and hope of the gospel.

By fostering an attitude of “Peace over Power,” rather than glorifying violence. 

“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.” (Matthew 5:9, ESV)


In the Dojo, we have a large picture of my hands in what we call the “Peace over Power” position (see image). This is a reminder to all of us, every time we train, that even though we are learning combat skills and developing the ability to hurt or even seriously injure an opponent, our first response is to choose the peaceful way out. No matter how adept we are in the martial arts, or no matter how serious the situation we find ourselves in is, the non-violent way is always the preferred outcome. Sometimes, however, our enemy gives us no choice, and in those cases, we choose to fight, and if we choose to fight, we have trained to survive!


When Jesus was arrested in the Garden of Gethsemane, He had the choice to “fight” or to go peacefully. Even though He was betrayed by a close companion (Judas), unjustly arrested and had the divine power to summon “more than twelve legions of angels.” (Matthew 26:53) There was enough power at our Lord’s disposal (72,000+ angels) to destroy not only the Roman soldiers in the Garden that night, but probably every human on the face of the planet! Nevertheless, Jesus surrendered the option of force and surrendered to what was His eventual death by crucifixion. Of course, in this case, Jesus’ very purpose was to create a way, by His blood, for all mankind to be reconciled back to God. Without His choosing peace over power in the Garden, none of us would have had a hope of being reconciled to God, or leading others to that same reconciliation!


“To be prepared for war is one of the most effectual means of preserving peace.” – General George Washington


“Only a warrior chooses pacifism; others are condemned to it.” – Unknown


“If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.” – Romans 12:18, NIV


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