OMMA Virtual Dojo



For those of you checking us out, thank you for your interest in On Mission Martial Arts. To our current or former students, we are grateful to know you and for the opportunity to train with you and your families!


Due to restrictions and concerns related to COVID-19, we have temporarily closed our physical dojo locations. Our current and new students are training and learning in our new “Virtual Dojo.” Read on for details.


“So whether you eat, or drink, or whatever you do,

do it all for the glory of God.”

(1 Corinthians 10:31)


Virtual OMMA Classes continue using technology!

Both Group & Private Lessons for Kids, Teens and Adults!

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Hi there! My name is Marco Fiorentino and I’m the Founder and Senior Instructor for On Mission Martial Arts – welcome!


Like many places right now, On Mission Martial Arts is closing our physical Dojo locations during this COVID-19 crisis. One thing that I find very interesting is that the Japanese word for ‘crisis’ consists of two characters (危機):


• The first means ‘danger’
• The second means ‘opportunity’


We are going to work to protect our community from the ‘danger’ posed by this virus, while at the same time, searching for the ‘opportunity’ therein.


One opportunity is the launch of our On Mission Martial Arts Virtual Dojo! Our desire is to make much of Jesus Christ in the world of martial arts and the Virtual Dojo is one more way we can seek to do that!


Another opportunity we have is to be a blessing to our OMMA community and the communities we live in. We want to be a resource for families who are struggling during this time. Whether it’s by offering an outlet for they or their children who are stuck at home, some free classes for those who are struggling financially or a place to receive prayer and Scriptural encouragement during a dark time…OMMA wants to be that!


black belt


We have quickly pivoted and moved all of our Group Classes to virtual classes. We are currently offering a Kids Class every day, Monday through Friday, from 4:45 – 5:15pm. This class is for all ages and ranks of kids and will be a great workout and opportunity to continue developing Martial Arts Skill, Character and Mindset. Plus, it will add some fun to those cooped up kiddos!


Additionally, we are currently offering Group classes for Adults & Teens every day, Monday through Friday, from 6:30 – 7:15pm. This class is for middle school ages and up (all ranks) and will also be a great workout, a little needed stress relief and opportunity to continue developing Martial Arts Skill, Character and Mindset.

In addition, all of our active students will have the opportunity to schedule one or more 20 minute One-on-One lessons with one of our Black Belt instructors! This will allow our students to ask questions and to work on their curriculum requirements for rank advancement.


Students will continue to make progress toward their next Stripes and Belts in the Virtual Dojo!


During the Group classes each student will continue to work on the stretches, exercises, basics and drills we typically do to develop our physical fitness, Black Belt Skills and proficiency.


The one-on-one sessions will allow our active OMMA Students to learn new material for their next Stripe or Belt, as well as receive live, constructive feedback from our Instructors.


Young Warrior students will have the opportunity to earn their next Stripe on their belt during the one-on-one times, and if they do, we will mail it to you so you can add it to your Belt at home! Those that are working toward a new Belt will be given feedback on where they are in their progress toward the new Belt and how that process will work.


A few other resources that are (or will be soon) available to in our Virtual Dojo are our Online Video Curriculum, At Home Worksheets and other online training materials for you to continue great practice habits at home and practice the OMMA system at your convenience. Finally, we will have a Student Upload Center where you can video yourself executing the techniques and skills and uploading them to a private area where our instructors can evaluate your progress and give you feedback.

They had an immediate mood change after. It was so great for them! Thank you so much!!
- S.G. (Mother of two OMMA kids and a Teen)

If you have never trained with OMMA before and would like to get more information about starting a no-obligation, FREE TRIAL with our Virtual Classes, click the button below.

If you are a FORMER student with OMMA and you’d like to learn more about getting back into training in our Virtual Dojo, click the button below.

If you are a CURRENT OMMA STUDENT and want to connect with all of the Virtual Dojo resources, click the button below.
(NOTE: You will need to get the access password from one of your OMMA Instructors)